
dekorative alte Pinsel-set
SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER:Zier   Retro   Vintage  
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Dateiformat:Photoshop brushes ( .abr ) file format
Größe der Datei:130KB
Referenz-Links zu Ressourcen (die Web-Site Captch diese Ressource)Finsternis-stock
License: License: Check the License. Bushes made in Adobe Photoshop 7.0.The shapes were drawn by mePlease read the terms before downloading.If you want to use this brush set:-  Credit me with a link back to this account in the description of your artwork.-  Notify me (via comment or note) when you use my brushes.- Do not use my brushes in any piece of artwork that promotes porn, racism, prejudice, satanic/occult symbols or extreme violency (including “bloody baths”)
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